Monday, April 14, 2008

Can`t believe it....

Hello all, I just can not believe it, I haven`t been here in such a longgg time. But hey, I am here today with some news. My lady has to go to the hospital on May 9 for some operation. Heck if I know what they mean by that, but must be something serious. Lets see what else is new.... ohhh yes, I have new pictures taken and they are sooo darn good. I love them and will show them off to you in a bit okay. One at the time , or make that two lol.
I am still the funny cat that asks for food all the time. I start yelling for food at 10;30 AM and go on untill it is really time to get some food at 12;30 PM. Mannn do I meow for food in the mornings. And you know what? I have food all the te. I have it ona plate and can eat from it when I want to. But do I see it then? NO WAY, I want the real stuff !!!

Lets have some fun with pictures okay.

This one above is one that is made into a wallpaper too for my big bosses puter. Yes he lovs me too even though he doesn`t show it often.

How about this one, I am sooo ashamed that I am yelling every darn day for food ... can you see it? LOL.

And yes, I am allllways a lazy cat, even on the new chairs that I don`t like much to lay on. But hey, a cat needs a nap at times, right??

I wish you all a great evening and hopefully I be back tomorrow with more pictures, yes I have more :P~
Hugs and much Lov from us, Samson and his Nightlady.

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