Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Sam is angry ....

Ohhhh mannn, I am angry at my lady !! First she leaves us on Friday morning and never returns that day. Afterwards I found out she had to stay overnight in the hospital, whatever that may be.
And then she dared shut us off from getting into the bedroom for a couple of days now. And we still are not allowed to go in when she sleeps there. It is just not fair !!!!
But the good thing is that even though she has some pain, I am able to get on her lap and sit down for a while. That is because I am not that heavy as Kitty is. So this must be my ladies way of saying sorry for not allowing me to walk all over her at night and sleep beside her under her blankies.
You are here for new pictures, am I right? Okay then you shall have a few :):):)

Go away, I want to sleep. Get lost, I need my sleep. Shup, I wanna sleep. Shoot, Let me sleep !!!

Ohhh yeahhh, I love icecream when it is hot outside.... also when it is freezing LMAO.

Have a gr8 day. I will be back when possible, to write more, longer and better then I did today.
Purrrssss, Samson.

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