Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Good Morning It`s Wednesday :))

Today I only have a few pictures of me slepeing. Yes sleeping... again !! But you know what? It is the most wonderful thing a cat does Soooo, take it or leave the page, it is my journal :P~~
I have been a good lil redhead the past days. I haven`t woken up my lady in the middle of the night by screaming so hard as if I got killed. I also did not ask for food at all the past 2 days. What else was I a good boy with? Ermmm sleeping maybe?? Yes, sleeping. As you can see i am sooo nice.

On to the pictures okay? They are as you can see all about me sleeping.

Ain`t I a sweet cat, silently sleeping on the couch and not bein disturbed at all by the klicking of the camera :)

This is me too and also on the couch, this piccie has been taken just befor the one above and as you can see I am not even looking up to see what is happening.

If you want to read a book , do it during daytime , else you will fall asleep ! Ohh and shhhh do not tell mylady that I dislike reading lots and lots. She loves to read by the way, and indeed reads everything she can lay her hands on but I so don`t.

Want to get a kick on the nose? Then go ahead and take more pictures of me, also cats can read the edge of taking everything from a lovely Person.

Purrrssss from Samson, who is off to enjoy the warmth of the sun for the 4th day in a row.

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