Friday, April 25, 2008

Friday... this means weekend, yeah !!!

How long ago did I write? No idea, but must be a few days. I have been busy with other things like sleeping and playing a lot. But here I am this early evening to say Hiya and to show new pictures..... yet again yes :P~

I love the sun as you can see, specially in the mornings so I can take a nap. I love sleeping and naping everywhere I want. And this time I took the carpet on the floor to have some lovely naptime.

Waiting for I don`t know what. Just sitting on a chair is nice at times but when does my lady give me a drink to go with doing nothing? Hmmm, maybe i have to start yelling and meowing for that too when I want somehting to drink. Or would she want me to drink from the fishbowl too like that funny kitty does all the time? Then she should put this chair next to it so i can get to it. Now all I can do is stair at it from the floor.

Here I am next to the sink and waiting for my food to be prepaired. This is also my favorite place to moew for it wayyy early. If you have been reading my journal you know I yell for food every day and start yelling for it wayyyy early in the morning and don`t stop untill I get my way lol.

Have a fantastic sunny weekend everyone !
Samson en his Lady, Annette.

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