Sunday, January 20, 2008


....and you know I hate Mondays wich it will be again tomorrow,..... Argghhhhh.

Ohh man, It was one of those days today. Ray went out to see his friends and he didn`t pay attention to me at all.
My nightlady had to bath, wich ment I wasn`t allowed in the bath room. I wonder why that is but I guess she only wanted some quiet time for helpself. But you know what also happend? The big boss took a few pictures of me with my ladies camera.

Yesterday we got outselfs doors in front of the shower place. Hehehe, now I can walk in without getting wetted by the humans underneath that water thingie. it is so nice to be able to walk through all of the house and explore all the holes, closets and behind every door. Even a shower door has my attention now. :)

Ohhhh my nightlady is calling out for me. I need to go offline and remind her to go for a 30 minute walk, or more if she can do that much. She does walk every day that the bigg boss is also home in the evenings. So I must say good night and have a great evening. I speak to you all tomorrow or some time next week. Have a good one, humans !! Remember to vote for me even while you sleep !!!
Here is the link for you.

Hugs and Purrrrrrrrrrs, Samson.

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