Sunday, January 18, 2009

Late but to you all .... Happy New Year

Hello everyone who still reads my journal. Happy New year to you all. I, Samson, had a bit time to spend here and so I do Lol. *smirks* I got new pictures and I will show them in a minute to you.

There is not an awful lot going on around me, the lil cat person like loving furball. New years day was brrrrr ice and ice cold. Also the next week and a half was good cold weather in Holland. My lady wanted to ice skate but ohhhh she did not dare to do it. Hehehe who knows next year, you never know what the future holds in its hand for you. right?
Ohh yes and you know what happend this weekend? We won the 3th week in a competition, and you know what? We hare retired now untill May or so. We deserved that !! Lol, but I`m still not all gone, I be around the competitions to vote for some others and also for my friends lil bro, Raven who has passed away last year. But we do think about him and now we saw he is in a comp. we will vote for him.
Okay, okay you want pictures more then the small talk from above.And sooooo we go on to the piccies of me :))

Wanna play with me lil bossy? Ohhh please come play wiff me, I hardly see you anymore during the days coz your working all the time. So pretty please, come out to play with me :)

Yayyy there he is playing wiff me. Ohh what do you have there lil bossy? Can I have it pwetty pwease?? What is it that you have in your hands? It smells nice so lemme see what it is okay?

okay lady, what is in that closet that smells soooooo good !!! Show me the food you have in there. I would love to have a bite from that whats in there. I hope I can open that closet all by myself. Grrr, don`t keep it closed for me okay. I wanna see what is in there.

Ohhh this was sooo good people. I enjoyed my dinner and am still licking my lips and nose. Yes my nose too, ya know I cant eat with a knife , fork and spoon. Sheezzzzzz. Ahhh and I can also smell what I had, I so need to go lay down and wash myself. I stink like a fish-store.

And this was all I have for you today. I will be back but as I said befor, not that often anymore. But I love you all and will keep you up to date on what is happening with me my slaves and everything else.
Purrrrrrrs, Samson.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Happy New Year and Thank You

Good evening everyone. I have been away again for weeks. I know I should be ashamed of myself for that. But life takes over sometimes and then you have to be patient on weather I write again or not.
Well I have a lil bit of news for you. Mylady has a new website and is going to be very busy filling that up with nice things. Yes I will be on it too but that will be a while befor it is all done. Soooooo.... the bad news is that this was my last post on this journal. I might be back with a new blog someday but for now this is it people.
I like to thank all of you who have been reading and laughing at me (or with me) for being here.

Good bye, Happy and healthy 2009 :)

See ya around on the nightlady site, or in the mail and comps.

It has been a pleasure to write for you.
Purrrrrrs from Samson.
Hugs and Love from Mylady.


Sunday, November 23, 2008

It has been snowing !!!!

Hi there humans,

It has been snowing lots and for Holland this is crazy at this time of the year. We hardly get snow anymore the last 25 years. So this is kinda special says mylady. I loved to see it too and you know what the boss did? He made pictures and I am allowed to show them.

Soooooooo.... here they are .....

Okies friends of me, I am going again but I will be back soon.
Many purrrrs and paws up to you.
Samson and his Lady.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Wow, it is November and.......

.... I know I have not been here for a long time. So now it is time to catch up a little bit.

All of October I did not write a thing so what happened? Milady went out twice and she left us allllll alne in the house for 2 days. It was quiet but in a way I did like to be alone. Milady went to Frida, a friend of her first. One day they drove there and the next day in the evening they came home. Only the little boss was home then and he took good care for us.

After that they were home a few weeks to get other stuff around the house done but then it was bye bye again to us for 3 days. They all went to Scheveningen and they even got home a little more brown coz the sun was out all weekend.
Ohhh yeah, and you know what else? they went to a birdszoo or something like that, they did not even take me with them. **cries** They saw soooo many birds and Ohhh Kitty and I love to chase them when we can but no luck for us.

What else is new.... Oh yes .... the Little boss his birthday was last week. He is now 20 years old. He also finally has a working place for school for a few months. He needs to do that for school and graduating. And there might be more but I am getting a lil old too at times so I will think about it and write more in the next days.

Yes I will add a few photos too okay.


The big boss with a bird, and I ain`t gettin NONE :((

A pinguin and I can not even smell it, only look at it on this journal. It is just not fair !!!

Okay everyone, I hope you liked my little small talk today and wll be checking in again soon. Untill the next time :) I hope you enjoyed your stay.
Purssssss, Samson.

Friday, September 26, 2008

A lazy day in the house...

Good evening there humans, here is the red head cat Samson with some new pictures once more. I hope you all love them and the comments I and mylady always add to them....well most of the time but sometimes they speak for themselfs. :)

Oh yes this is what I want, yoghurt and more of it. This was the greek yoghurt and it was sooo thick I had to smack and smack LOL.

Am I a sweet little cat or not? I am a lazy red head today but hey, I am only a cat and cats do whatever they want all the time. Sleep is THE word for me Yeahhh. :))

Too tired to be behind the computer tonight lol. Ahhh we don`t fight either now. We are just too lazy to do a thing LOL.

And this is what I do when I am not sleeping all the time. I play with a mouse. Yes a mousey, can you see it befor your eyes? me playing with a mouse and not killing it? Yes I bet you can because I am sweet towards every animal. even to spiders. LOLOL.

Time to get ofline and watch a little bit behind my eye-lits.
Purrssss from Samson.